
About the MACRS

MACRS Mission Statement (Adopted: April 3, 2008)
The mission of the Montana Association of County Road Supervisors mission is to facilitate education and to share ideas, thus helping to enable a safe, efficient, and consistent transportation system for each County throughout the State of Montana. 

MACRS Goals & Objectives
Goal #1: Advancing County transportation network maintenance by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information aimed at improving service to the public.
  -Objective A: Provide quality service to members
  -Objective B: Increase active participation of membership and MACRS Conference attendance
  -Objective C: Enhance the visibility of MACRS
  -Objective D: Promote professional development of County road Officials through training Objective E: Promote the professionalism of all County road transportation network maintenance

Goal #2: Stimulate development, growth, and participation of County officials
  -Objective A: Retain existing and expand membership
  -Objective B: Develop and expand roles of Officers and Representatives. Increase participation from past presidents and past representatives.
  -Objective C: Expand and foster the relationship and communications between MACRS and LTAP

Goal #3: Improving relations and cooperation among County Road Officials and other agencies and organizations.
  -Objective A: Expand and foster our relationship and communications with MACo
  -Objective B: Expand and foster relationships and communications with other State and Federal agencies and organizations, and vendors.
  -Objective C: Develop and maintain effective communication strategies for MACRS

Goal #4: Monitor legislative issues affecting the county transportation network
  -Objective A: Develop a legislative process